Website ranking is very important. There are many factors that contribute to it. The majority of Custom Web Application Development, India counts on WordPress for developing eye-catchy websites and adding things that are easily available through voice search. The majority of web surfers make use of voice search function, so your website should have the following factors that improves ranking when people use the voice search function.


Custom Web Development Services focus on speedy websites. Speed is undoubtedly one of the major factors while a website is loaded and it is important to retain the user because if the loading time is too much then the user can go over to another website and you can lose your traffic. You need to choose the correct hosting service at the right price tag. Having multiple CDN’s shall help you to increase your speed or even caching shall be a good option.


All the companies of the Custom Web Application Development, India focus on providing good customer support. This factor is mostly overlooked over other factors like price or performance but it is really important. Setting up a website might not be so easy and you shall face many errors on the way. Good customer support improves your website ranking even when surfed using the voice search feature of the browser.


Another factor that Custom Web Development Services consider is security. WordPress is a fairly secure Content Management system but threats to the Security of the website come from objects like blunders, malware-infested themes or some malicious plugin and of course the hosting provider. Due to its high popularity, it falls prey to lots of attackers and thus needs to stay updated. A secure website always ranks high.

Regularly Updated

According to many Custom Web Development Services, any website ranks high when its content is regularly updated. Google gives preference to those websites which are regularly updated. So, when web surfers locate your website through voice search the regular updating works and helps you a lot.


For improving website ranking, there are many factors responsible but what mentioned above are the major factors that must be presented and incorporated by all the webmasters on their website otherwise, they have to compromise with lower ranking on the search engine. These factors also become crucial because nowadays, a majority of people making use of voice search feature to find things on the internet.

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